Name of Attorney:
    Email Address*
    Are you a Licensed Attorney:
    State Licensed
    Bar License Number:
    EOIR Number:
    Years of Immigration Law Experience:
    Years of Immigration Court Experience:
    Years of Experience: Master Calendar Hearings:
    Individual Hearings:
    USCIS Interviews:
    Asylum Interviews (ZAR):
    Brief/Memorandum Writing:
    Type of Work Seeking:
    Upload file

    Immigration Engine facilitates the connection of immigration lawyers and/or law firms in need of attorney coverage in immigration court or to assist with other legal matters with attorneys who are available to assist them. Immigration Engine does not provide legal services, receive legal fees, nor is it responsible for any agreements entered into by the parties. Each party takes full and sole responsibility for the information they represent to the other. Each party likewise takes full and sole responsibility for the work and or services they provide to the other. Accordingly, disputes must be resolved between the parties themselves and without the involvement of the Immigration Engine.

    Attorneys Seeking Assistance: Immigration Engine will reply in 24 hours with the completed questionnaire and resumé of available attorneys. Once an attorney is selected and payment is processed, the attorney’s contact information will be sent to you via email. Immigration Engine receives a 15% non-refundable administration fee of completed service orders.
    Attorneys Available to Cover: Immigration Engine will contact you via email to confirm your availability when a request for your services is received. We do not make any guarantees regarding the frequency and amount of work that will be requested; however, we will do our best to notify you when such requests are made and for which your resumé and completed questionnaire indicate you to be a good match. For this reason, it is important that you complete the questionnaire as completely and accurately as possible to reflect your experience, availability, etc.